Your child’s treatment plan will include a breakdown of all applicable fees, and we will inform you of all costs before treatment is administered. We accept cash, checks, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.
Dental Insurance
We want you to get the most benefit from your dental insurance plan. If we have all of your insurance information on the day of
the appointment and the ability to verify your coverage, we will file your insurance as a courtesy. Please be familiar with your insurance benefits because benefits change throughout the year based on the renewal date for that particular employer. If you do not have your insurance information, you will be responsible for the fees incurred at the time of the visit. We will then give you a receipt that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.
Dental insurance does not cover all costs for dental services. Some companies pay fixed fees for certain procedures, while others pay a percentage of the charges. What your dental insurance covers has been negotiated between your employer and the dental insurance company. We will estimate what your insurance will cover and let you know what your anticipated liability is. That liability is due at the time services are rendered. After receiving payment from you insurance company, if there is an overpayment, a refund will be sent promptly, if there is still a balance due, a statement of your account will be sent for. It must be noted, that all fees incurred are ultimately your responsibility. Most importantly, please keep us informed of any insurance changes such as policy name, insurance company address or a change of employment.
Delinquent Accounts
If collection action is necessary on your account, you will be liable for interest of 1.5% per month on all outstanding balances, as well as any fees incurred. Those fees shall include, but not be limited to attorney’s fees, court costs, as well as collection agency fees.